Student Registration Information
Mission Public Schools welcomes new students to the school district. You can locate your catchment school by using the Baragar School Locator Site. Please submit your completed registration form to your catchment school in-person, along with proof of address and your child's birth certificate.
NEW! The Ministry of Education requires that proof of legal guardianship is made when registering a child. Ideally, a LONG version of the child's birth certificate is preferable as identification, but there are also alternate documents that can be used, (Landed Immigrant Document, Guardianship Order or Income Tax Statement (children are declared).
Kindergarten Registration
Online 2025-2026 Kindergarten registration is the week of January 20-24, 2025.
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration Information
If your child will be starting kindergarten, we also require the below form (specific to Windebank Elementary) to be completed in addition to the forms in the link above:
Kindergarten Questionnaire -Jan 2025.pdf
Please submit your completed registration in-person to your catchment school. Please contact the school at 604-826-2213 to set up a time to drop off your registration package.
For students in the Windebank catchment wishing to attend another elementary school a Cross Boundary Application needs to be filled out. This is a request and cannot be guaranteed at time of submitting your application.