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Windebank Elementary
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​​​​​​Student Registration

Kindergarten Registration

​Mission Public Schools welcomes new students to the school district. 

Registration Guide for Parents-Guardians - November 2024.pdf

You can locate your catchment school by using the Baragar School Locator Site.

Please complete all of the documents listed below:​

MPSD Student Registration FILLABLE Form _Dec. 2024_REVISED.pdf

Photograph Video Media Consent Form - June 2024.pdf

Network Internet and WiFi Access User Agreement for Students_Dec. 2023.pdf

Office 365 User Form_September 2020 - fillable form.pdf

Walking Field Trip Permission Form_FINAL_Sept. 2023.pdf

Fruit and Veggie Opt-Out Form_Nov. 2023.pdf

Please see the registration form which outlines information about the documents (ID) required and other important information.  

If your child will be starting kindergarten, we require the below form to be completed in addition to the forms above:

K Questionnaire Dec 2022 - FILLABLE.pdf

Please submit your completed registration in-person to your catchment school. Please contact the school at 604-826-2213 to set up a time to drop off your registration package.

For students in the Windebank catchment wishing to attend another elementary school a Cross Boundary Application needs to be filled out. This is a request and cannot be guaranteed at time of submitting your application. Cross Boundary Application Form_FILLABLE.pdf

​*All Most recent forms can be found on the District Website. ​